Module I (MT I) BRIDGE Training was organized by Electoral Commission at Senggigi, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, on May 25th-28th 2011. This Electionâs Training was initiated by Electoral Commissionâs Human Resources Bureau by fund allocation supported by Australian Electoral Commission (AEC).
Prof. Dr. Hafiz Anshary AZ, MA, Chairman of Electoral Commission said there are at least four directions that would be reached by Electoral Commission through this training. First is to increase skill and confidence. Second is to increase the awareness of using the instruments and important resources to continuously preserve the election culture. Third is to improve the supporting network for the stakeholders in holding the election and learning to share information. Fourth is to promote some democracy principles and the good election practices that have known internationally.
In this training held at Hotel Santosa Senggigi Lombok, there were four subject modules, namely Election Administrationâs module, voterâs registrationâs module, voterâs educationâs module, planning and strategic budgetâs module.
AEC Country Director for Indonesia, Patrick Satie expressed his happiness because AEC takes part in the program. âAEC support in the Electoral Commission BRIDGE is a part of Australian-Indonesia Support Program which has started since 2008. The form of this cooperation is co-sharing, that is by providing support in several aspects which are not allocated in the State Budget.
The participants of MT I were from Provincial Election Commission: Central Java, DKI Jakarta, East Nusa Tenggara, DI Yogyakarta, East Kalimantan, and 20 Regional Election Commission for all-West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). This program was taken part by 25 participants and guided by 5 BRIDGE trainers that have been accredited by the Electoral Commission (KPU).
Manager of AEC for Indonesia, Mareska Mantik explained in her speech that MT2 is a result of a long process started in 2010 when this program was initiated by election MDP-UNDP facility. Meanwhile, in the next couple of years, starting in early 2011, the BRIDGE program will be continued by AEC, the partner of BRIDGE. Hopefully the training activities will be frequently held to increase human resource in electoral committee. The cooperation system between AEC-Electoral Committee is co-sharing form, which is the help doesnât exist in allocation of fund.
The participants of MT2 consisted of 15 members of District/City Electoral Committee of West Java, 5 from district/city electoral committee secretariat of West Java, and 5 from electoral committee of Central Java, DKI Jakarta, NTT, Lampung, and Bali.
The Electoral Committee has a list of activities along 2011, for instance the trainings will be held in DKI Jakarta, Central Java, and the other provinces that have been listed in BRIDGE schedule program.
Reference Information & Submit APPLY
If you meet requirement below position please following link:
Position KPU
Requirement :
- Indonesian citizen;
- At the end of registration (January 6, 2012) was the lowest 35 (thirty five) years;
- Loyal to Pancasila as the state, the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945, dancita Proclamation August 17, 1945 which stated in writing;
- Have integrity, strong personal, honest, and fair;
- Having the knowledge and expertise relating to the operation of election for Prospective Members of the Commission;
- Having the ability and expertise relating to election administration and supervision of elections for Prospective Members Bawaslu;
- Lowest educated (graduate) S-1;
- Domiciled in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia as evidenced by cards;
- Being able to physically and spiritually;
- Resigned from membership of political parties, political positions, positions in government, and State Owned / Regional Owned Enterprises at the time of registering as a candidate;
- Never been sentenced to imprisonment by a court decision has gained legal force for committing a criminal act punishable by imprisonment of 5 (five) years or more;
- Willing to work full time;
- Willing is not political positions, positions in government and State Owned / Regional Owned Enterprises during the period of membership of the Commission or Bawaslu if elected;
- Not in a marital bond with fellow election.
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