Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Lowongan BUMN: BATAN

Established in May 24, 1996 as part of government strategy to build national capability in nuclear industry,PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) become the only national company endow with capabilities for producing a wide range of nuclear products, as well as, providing services in nuclear technology application. Combining this capacity with a strong support from BATAN, the Company has been successfully serving national demand for nuclear products and services for both medical and industrial uses, as well as for R & D purposes.
Consistent with its vision to become a PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) offers career opportunities for young and dynamic candidates to fill professional positions:

Development activities and application of nuclear technology in Indonesia initiated the establishment of the State Committee for Investigation Radioaktivitet 1954. State Committee has a duty to investigate the possibility of radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons testing in the Pacific Ocean.
By considering the development and utilization of atomic energy utilization for the welfare of society, through Government Regulation no. 65 in 1958, on December 5, 1958 established the Board of Atomic Energy and Atomic Energy Agency (LTA), which is then refined into the National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN) based on Law no. 31 of 1964 on Basic Stipulations of Atomic Energy. Furthermore, each dated December 5, which is a historic date for the development of nuclear technology in Indonesia and is set as the anniversary BATAN.
In subsequent developments, to further enhance the mastery in the field of nuclear science and technology, in 1965 inaugurated the operation of the first atomic reactor (TRIGA Mark II) in Bandung. Then in succession, also built some litbangyasa facilities are scattered in various research centers, including Atomic Energy Markets Research Center Friday, Jakarta (1966), Atomic Energy Research Center GAMA, Yogyakarta (1967), and Multipurpose Reactor of 30 MW (1987 ) along with supporting facilities, such as: fuel fabrication and research, test reactor safety, nuclear waste management radioaktifdanfasilitas other.
Meanwhile, a paradigm shift in 1997 established Law. 10 regarding Nucleur which regulate the separation of elements including implementing the use of nuclear energy activities (BATAN) with elements of the nuclear power watchdog (Bapeten)

“Pelaksana Pelaporan & Verifikasi”


- Pendidikan terakhir minimal S-1 Akuntansi (Fresh Graduated), IPK minimal 3.00
- Lulusan dari universitas negeri dengan akreditasi min. B atau universitas swasta dengan akreditasi min. A.
- Usia maksimal 25 Tahun.
- Memiliki kemampuan mengoperasikan komputer dalam lembar kerja & laporan lainnya yang diperlukan dalam Ms. Exel/Ms. Word/Software Akunting lannya.
- Bersedia bekerja lembur jika dibutuhkan,.
- Jujur, teliti, disiplin, bertanggung jawab, sangggup bekerja keras & memiliki motivasi kerja yang baik serta dapat bekerja dalam tim.
- Mempunyai integritas yang tinggi dalam melaksanakan tugas.
- Dapat menjaga kerahasiaan Perusahaan.

Lamaran diterima paling lambat hari Jum’at, 1 Juni 2012, dengan mengirimkan surat lamaran lengkap

ke :

PT Batan Teknologi (Persero)
Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gd. 70
Setu â€" Tangerang Selatan 15310
PO BOX 343 Ciputat 15400


- Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan dipanggil
- Hanya menerima lamaran melalui pos (cap pos)


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